Thursday, December 01, 2005


Since we started membership at Eat Well Farms organic produce delivery we are getting lots of great seasonal produce. Most of what we get it stuff we wouldn't typically pick up at the store so I'm eating lots of new interesting veg. I have to admit I really like greens. Here's my latest tastey treat

Bacon Braised Russian Red Kale (you could probably use any type of Kale or hearty green)

3-4 slices of bacon chopped into bite size pieces
1 onion diced
1 close garlic minced
1 bunch kale (remove long woody stems) slice leaves across rib into 1 inch ribbons
splash of broth (chicken or veg stock)
dash of seasoned rice wine vinegar to taste

saute bacon
add onion just before bacon is crispy
add garlic
add kale & turn to mix in the bacon, onion
add splash of broth
turn/stir occasionally
add lid for a minute or two to steam

It's ready to eat when it's wilted down to cooked spinach consitancy. Sprinkle with vinegar. Eat. Enjoy.


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